Struggling in between

This week, I can see that there will be a struggle.  Training vs. Life.

Training: Get stronger, quality rides, tempo rides, focus on fitness, a little weight room action (add in eating well and yoga).

Life: The J.O.B. that pays the bills, Dad’s birthday, my BFF is in from the UK.

I’m a bit Type A and a lot of “all or nothing”… this is hard.  Either I’m going to commit to training or commit to be being a good friend, daughter, provider.

It’s hard to be ‘happy with enjoying the ride’ somedays.  It’s a balance issue.  There are only so many hours in the day. img_3022

Do you struggle some days, too?

7 thoughts on “Struggling in between

  1. There is no struggle. I ride every day and the world must live with it. On the rare occasion I choose not to, I call it a day off, but it is a choice. You’re looking for a justification for not taking care of you, and I won’t give you that. An excuse for ignoring your fitness only exists for a short while anyway. Sooner or later you realize you were kidding yourself all along and you wasted that time.

    At least it worked that way with me. 😉


    1. Thanks for the reality check. This is a whiny post. :-/ You’re right, I’m not going to die thinking that I should have worked more. I’m really struggling not “to get it in” but how much: 2 hours of tempo or 1 hour w some tempo + dinner w Dad. Right now I’m choosing the latter – I don’t want to look back years from now and realize Dad is gone but I’ve got amazing fitness.

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      1. That’s exactly how you do it. A one hour pounding will do for anyone, then save the long stuff for the weekends. 😉

        Glad to hear it’s not a constitutional thing… My dad is gone now and I’m glad I spent the time I did with him. You will be too.

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  2. I struggle with motivation in the winter but I also know that if I don’t do it, I’ll feel worse. My trouble is the weekends as my weekdays are pretty structured with my full-time job and teaching indoor cycling.

    Ninety minutes on the trainer and/or rollers is about all I can stomach and rarely do I have more than that to train at home before the whining of hubby and the 12-year-old begins.


    1. Exactly! Skipping too many workouts in the winter is counter productive… you end of feeling worse. 90minutes on the rollers!? Ugh!! I’m happy w an hour… with Netflix… and coffee! Thanks for stopping by!

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  3. Maybe I’m a bit older but no wiser but if I don’t get out there should be tomorrow? No use beating yourself up about what you haven’t done – it’s gone. But for me, I’m lucky, I have more time to do stuff now I have become a retired gent.


What are your thoughts?